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TSL Round up: Sector Resilience during the Cost of Living crisis

This edition of Third Sector Leeds’ policy round up has been put together to update you as a TSL member on the work that TSL (and others) have been undertaking to promote the resilience of our sector and communities throughout the current Cost of Living crisis. This round up follows on from our previous update of work supporting organisations during the Cost of Living crisis.

In this round up we talk about:

TSL’s statement on sector resilience during the cost of living crisis

Report from TSL Goes Local events

Cost of living information on Doing Good Leeds

Signposting information for practitioners

Deep poverty report

Warm spaces

New position statement on sector resilience
Third Sector Leeds (TSL) published a position statement in September 2022 setting out the challenges that the third sector and communities face relating to the cost of living crisis, and how TSL would like to work with wider partners in Leeds to address these.

Since then, representatives from TSL Leadership Group have been working with senior officers from across Leeds City Council and health authorities to agree some shared principles for us all to work by. Actions were agreed in the short, medium and longer term to ensure the third sector remains resilient and able to support communities to thrive.

Read the statement 

TSL Goes Local
Last month, TSL partnered with Leeds Community Anchor Network to hold a series of events in different areas of Leeds, to gather insight about how the cost of living crisis is affecting different communities. Attendees shared ideas and examples of how they were working together to support people, and on what else communities in Leeds need.

This report summarises the findings from the events.

Read the event report

Doing Good Leeds - information on cost of living support
Doing Good Leeds is the website for the third sector in Leeds, and is powered by Voluntary Action Leeds. A ‘Cost of Living’ tab has recently been added to our homepage, which collates a wide range of advice and support for third sector organisations and individuals around the cost of living crisis.

Here you will find information such as:
  • Supporting volunteers during the cost of living crisis
  • Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of staff and volunteers
  • Information on the energy bill relief scheme
We will continue to update this page as new information and support for the sector becomes available.

Forum Central have a comprehensive webpage containing links to cost of living resources, sector networks, and information about how Forum Central is representing the health and care third sector.

Doing Good Leeds - Cost of Living crisis

Signposting resources for practitioners
Leeds City Council have established a gold, silver and bronze set of meetings to coordinate Cost of Living response at all levels. Colleagues from infrastructure organisations attend these meetings on behalf of the sector. One of these strategic meetings has been around coordinating Information, Advice and Guidance, and a package of support has been developed on Google Drive to enable practitioners to access the right signposting information at the right time.

This package contains a wide range of signposting information and resources relating to the cost of living crisis, including food, health, housing and money.

If you would like to add a resource to this Google Drive, please contact Rich Warrington on 

Access the signposting resources

'Deep poverty' report
Deep Poverty: The Cost of Not Living is a recent report on research carried out with third sector organisations, listening to people’s experiences on living on a very low income across Leeds.

Read the report

Warm Spaces

More than 100 third sector organisations have so far opened their doors as a warm space, offering a welcome, safe and supportive space to people in their community.

If you would like to find out more about becoming a Warm Space, you can read the guidance here.

Leeds Community Anchor Network are supporting the warm spaces initiative by providing support and linking up local organisations to ensure there are warm spaces for anyone who would like to visit.

Find out about your local community anchor
Contact Us
If you would like to contact us to discuss anything in this bulletin further please ring Meg Russell, Coordinator for Forums, Networks and Research on 0113 2977928 or email
Want to share good news from your community?
Doing Good Leeds is a great place to share your successes and promote the work of the third sector in building strong and resilient communities  in Leeds. Click here to register and take the first step in sharing your good news!

Voluntary Action Leeds (VAL), a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales no: 555150 and registered charity number 225863. VAL’s registered office is: Stringer House, 34 Lupton Street, Leeds, LS10 2QW. Our VAT number is 790014059.

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