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TSL update on UK Shared Prosperity Fund Pillar 3

TSL has been working to ensure that the third sector has an opportunity to benefit from UKSPF investment in the city since the fund replaced previous European funding.

As a new funding regime, it has not been without its challenges, with local funds impacted by decisions and delays at Government level. 

TSL have been involved in meetings and discussions over the past couple of weeks to understand the bidding landscape and advocate for third sector involvement. Here’s what we know so far:
Read TSL's UKSPF Pillar 3 update
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Voluntary Action Leeds (VAL), a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales no: 555150 and registered charity number 225863. VAL’s registered office is: Stringer House, 34 Lupton Street, Leeds, LS10 2QW. Our VAT number is 790014059.

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